Thursday, March 31, 2005

YANB: FuturePundit

I know, it must be getting tiresome reading about my discovery of all these blogs, but today marks the addition of FuturePundit to the sidebar. Thanks to the sidebar counter, I found out about a link to this blog in the comments of this story about the late ramp-up in nuclear construction around the world, and in particular, in Taiwan. (Thank you, Engineer-Poet!) The discussion of the pros and cons of nuclear is very good and interesting reading. In particular, I agree with James of Alternative Energy Blog when he says
I think both sides of the debate on nuclear power need to come up with better data.

Meanwhile I remain sitting firmly on the fence on this issue.

(Unfortunately, the link James provides to for a nuclear subsidy PowerPoint presentation doesn't work.) The distortion of actual costs is a subject often harped upon at Knowledge Problem, and justifiably so.